Just enjoying my early morning music, i was too lazy to get any sleep last night after our little get together whit few of my friends so i had this awesome idea to start finally write something other than teen angst poems on the blog so i created this blog inspired by my friend Ara (visit his blog he is fucking hilarious, trust me)
So basically this blog idea is that i write shit that comes to my mind or something like that and you few if any reads this shit so enjoy or don't, i don't fucking care.
So back to me listening music, so here i am listening some sweet pieces of heaven while three chicks sleeps around my fucking house No no i was not "banging" any of them if you think that you are perverted points for that but yeah so it little pisses me off that every time i have a little get together "party" i am the last one to be awake and there for have nobody to talk with. Why i am not sleeping as well you might think, i don't fucking do that so much i'm fine with out it for time to time but man this is boring sometimes maybe that is the reason why i now write this blog but fuck it. So my fucking point is if you come to drink DO NOT FALL ASLEEP if you do you are boring and i do not like you so much just kidding, i might still like you but yeah back to the point or rather fuck this i just wasted your time BIG time sorry. I'm just so bored right now, okay here is some music to the people ENJOY.
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