What the fuck have i been drinking when i wrote the damn "about me" thing under my profile picture? Lame if you ask me, so who am i? Yes i was born 1993 i'm currently 18 and i do like music and write stuff and i do have some "awesome" friends actual all the people and why the fuck not animals that i consider my friends are awesome. Yes i do stuff that might not be legal to some point of view but yet again who gives a fuck, why i stated that, fuck was i high up on the clouds or something. (no pun intended) And what is this i don't bite hard and get to know me stuff yeah it is nice if someone would try that but still that is the lamest thing that anyone could ever put up there but fuck that too it stays there.
So the stuff i wrote there were something that gives some point of view about me but very hazy one if you ask me and i probably was drunk or sleepy at the time i did that.
Oh yeah i am full of bullshit what was that maybe some inner voice was trying to say to myself "fuck you" or something like that. maybe i meant that my stuff has no greater meaning it just is there and stuff like that i can't recall so never mind that it will just still stay up there.
To the point if there is any, how do i define myself? Now that i think about it i would say "male, 18, kind, asshole, joker, lover, romantic, sadist, troll, more words that tells something about what kind you could be...
but the best way that how i can easily define myself is saying that i'm a human and that's it end of story no more words.
Ps: i'm not sure if define is the right word to use but i will go with it may the sky fall upon me if it's not.
There are no adult material here now but there might be in the future, but there are some strong language and this site is not for the weakest kind of men or notmen so beware of the dog it bites your throat like cockroach survives atom bombs and shit like that and the shit like this if you get this in to your skull you are indeed awesome no more comments.
maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2011
Time out!
So now, what have i uploaded here on this blog so far?
OK i see okay, first the game playing thing i was wasted so lets forget that shall we. My day was like posts okay there will probably be few more of those but only few. Some music and random shit okay few more of those most likely.
So i will post more some "points" from the deeps of my mind about stuff, things, subjects, everything that is somehow relevant to my thoughts that i will have at the time.
So now, what have i uploaded here on this blog so far?
OK i see okay, first the game playing thing i was wasted so lets forget that shall we. My day was like posts okay there will probably be few more of those but only few. Some music and random shit okay few more of those most likely.
So i will post more some "points" from the deeps of my mind about stuff, things, subjects, everything that is somehow relevant to my thoughts that i will have at the time.
perjantai 9. joulukuuta 2011
It has been few days since i last updated my blog, so those days have gone so quickly past me that i didn't have the time to do it. Okay today is cleaning day if i can or will do something else than wash the dishes it will be great success. All my hard work that i might do to day will be rewarded tonight by some cute little fucker. Yeah i'm lazy, i know it but i will do the dishes at least and i will make some gourmet food NAM. I'm a great cook if i may say, when i have the time and effort to do something i will and when it comes to food i will always find time and effort. Until evening or should i say until the midnight i will do my best to clean and before she comes i will make the food ready. in the meanwhile after i have cleaned enough i might get some rest i'm tired as hell.
perjantai 2. joulukuuta 2011
Timekiller, Soultaker...
Today my head was full of darkwave and gothrock but mostly the day was about darkwave :3
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